
21 year old artist drawing furries, animals, dinosaurs, dragons, and all kinds of other creatures.
Here you can find my commission prices, TOS, and social medias/platforms.
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Commission Prices

Status: OPENContact me through Direct Message on Instagram or Twitter

Doodle Pages$12
+$5 for an extra character
Description: 4 sketchy drawings of your character. 1 fullbody, 2 headshots, and 1 bust. Simple shading and sketchy lines.

Icons$10$18 for matching iconsDescription: A bust of your character with simple shading and clean lines. Meant to be used as an icon for a social media platform.

Simple full body
Feral or anthro
$20+$8 for extra characterDescription: Simple shaded sketchy full-body. Messier lines and quicker turnaround time.

Painted Bust$45+$20 for extra characterDescription: Painted style bust, includes shading and is line less . Longer turn around time.

Complex Fullbody
Feral or Anthro
$25+$15 for an extra characterDescription: Complex, clean lines, and full paint-like shading.

Reference Sheet$80
(price may vary with complexity of character)
Description: Either front and back view or side and side of your character. Unshaded, clean lines, and clear writing.

Complex Reference Sheet~$95+
(Prices vary with added poses and complexity of character)
Description: Complex reference sheets include from and back view, 2 clothing options, 1 headshot, and clear writing. Unshaded. If you want 3 views or more outfits price will increase.

USD only ($)
Paypal or Venmo

Terms of Service

- I have the right to decline any commission.
- Payments must be paid upfront in FULL (unless stated otherwise).
- I require a digital reference sheet in order to accept a commissions
- Turnaround time for any commission unless stated otherwise is 1 - 3 weeks, but is usually way less.
- Sketches will be sent throughout the process if changes are needed to be made they can only be made during the sketching and lining process.
- I can and will draw NSFW work if I feel comfortable drawing it. YOU MUST BE 18+ !!
- I am allowed to use your commissions for advertising purposes but I will not claim the rights to your character or use them to create merchandise.
- Refunds can be made before I have sent you your sketch but after I have started only a 50% refund can be issued until I have sent you the finished product. After the final product has been sent no refund will be issued. If you are unsatisfied with your finished commission we can discuss what can be done.

What I will DrawAnthro, any animal, light gore, NSFW (including suggestive poses and outfits), light mecha, clothes, feral.What I will NOT DrawHumans, heavy gore, robots/mechanics, difficult landscapes, animation pieces.